Monday, June 6, 2011

Superwomen's Club - Now Accepting New Members

A dear friend of mine has put together an action plan to move her life forward.  Another woman I consider to be a bright light in my life told me something I wrote in my last post inspired her to see a piece of her situation differently.  At times when I feel like the walls of my existence are caving in due to my indecision and confusion, the proverbial phrase, "Shit or get off the pot" often enters my thoughts.  I feel extremely lucky to have such amazing women in my life to assist me with my—well "shitting" to put it frankly. 

A more refined idiom (and by refined I mean a saying not found in Urban Dictionary), "Two heads are better than one" is perhaps the most fitting to speak to the subject at hand.  While I will never minimize the amazing graces of the most intelligent and beautiful male souls, the strength women possess when we harness our power brings unlimited potential for personal growth and discovery.

The superwoman living inside that envelopes our livelihood and vitality sometimes fails to see that life is not our nemesis, but our partner in crime.  Our hero status gets overpowered thinking life is our antagonist because the law of inertia states it's just easier to stay in motion once things are set into movement; going against the current takes resilience and fervent dedication.  In the face of complete destruction to whatever current path, the brevity to change directions is what fuels the fire in the belly of all superwomen. 

So to all of my fellow ladies who are reading this and want to make a change, who are you going to be today and moving forward?  Powerful or powerless?  There's no better time than the present to unleash your "super"!

AK says it best :)